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An outgoing, outspoken, culinary chap who craves to know more!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Dinner at La Speranzina

View overlooking Lake Garda
2017 Villa Cortine Palace. Sirmione, Italia
After a few incredible days in Venice, it was time to begin the wine portion of the trip, and so the Madre and I pulled up the tent stakes and left for nearby Valpolicella. Located north of Verona, and to the east of Lake Garda, Valpolicella is one of the top wine producing regions in Italy. It's signature wine - Amarone - is considered the third piece of the Italian wine triumvirate: Brunello do Montalcino, Barolo, and Amarone.

Courtyard at Le Salette winery
2017 Le Salette. Fumane, Italia
Our destination was the Villa Cortine Palace, an opulent mansion-turned-hotel located at the tip of the Sirmio peninsula - the peninsula that juts into Lake Garda from the southern end. En route we stopped at Le Salette, the first winery on our list, in nearby Fumane. 

Named after the nearby sanctuary that overlooks the valley, Le Salette is a family owned winery with 20 hectares (49.42 acres) within the Valpolicela DOCG. Led by the winemaker's son, the Madre and I took a tour of the winery, and then had a delightful tasting of their portfolio. The tasting also included cheese and selection of salami, and both were outstanding. Just an outstanding visit!

Leaving Le Salette, we made our way to the hotel, and unpacked and relaxed for a couple of hours. As dinner time approached, we made our way into town for dinner at the subject of this restaurant review: La Speranzina. Located on the shores of Lake Garda in the heart of old town Sirmione, La Speranzina takes advantage of wonderful lake views by offering both fine dining, and a three suite inn.