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An outgoing, outspoken, culinary chap who craves to know more!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Seattle afternoon through rose-colored Chihuly glasses

In the days leading up to this trip to Seattle, the original plan for Day 1 was checking off some of the Emerald City's more touristy offerings. More specifically, Pike Place market in the morning, Chihuly Garden and Glass in the afternoon, and a killer lunch/brunch in between. This all changed when I finally got connected with the Michigan State alumni group in Seattle, and found out there was a football game-watch at LTD Bar and Grill at 9AM. Being the good MSU football fan that I am, Pike Place market got bumped to Monday morning, and I made the trek up to the Fremont neighborhood to cheer on my Green and White. On the way North on Aurora Avenue, I caught a glimpse of Canlis: the subject for tonight's dinner post.

Thankfully MSU won, and I was able to depart for lunch in a good mood. Today's lunch location is a small bistro located just on the outer fringes of Seattle Center (think Space Needle, Chihuly museum, etc.) called Tilikum Place Cafe (TPC). Best known for brunch, including their famous Dutch baby pancakes that are made to order, patrons are treated to a light and airy space sporting huge windows that offers a bit of a reprieve from the nearby tourist mayhem. TPC offers reservations, and I suggest you make them, as the place fills up fast.

I arrived to the brick building with vaulted ceilings at the appointed time of my reservation, and was immediately seated. After looking at the menu, I thought about ordering one of the items that came highly recommended from any of the various social media sites. Instead, I decided to go with one of the daily specials: cured salmon eggs Benedict. I was in luck, as they ran out of it moments later.

Cured salmon eggs Benedict
2017 Tilikum Place Cafe. Seattle, WA
The cured salmon eggs Benedict came served with, aside from the traditional poached eggs and hollandaise sauce,  an avocado mousse, slivered onions and fennel. On the side was an orange wedge, and some fried potatoes. Homemade ketchup, as well as an assortment of hot sauces, were also made available by the server.

Overall, an excellent take on the classic eggs Benedict. Eggs were perfectly poached, while the salmon offered beautiful rich saline notes, all the while being slightly tempered by the curing to offer a unique balance in the dish. The hollandaise sauce was on the creamy side, and quite delightful offering a hint of lemon. Fennel and onion add some nice herbaceous notes, while the avocado mousse lends a rich creaminess. Finally, the potatoes were fried to perfection, and complimented the dish very well.

If the regular menu is just half as good as what I ordered, then it's no doubt why Tilikum Place Cafe is so well regarded. Given it's location near some of Seattle's top attractions, it's the perfect place to take a break and refuel on some really great food. Just remember to make a reservation!

Chihuly Garden and Glass
2017 Seattle, WA
From Tilikum Place Cafe, it's a short walk through KOMO plaza to the Seattle Center area. With its centerpiece consisting of the Seattle space needle, the area is teaming with museums and event venues. My destination for this afternoon was the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum, located right next to the space needle. The museum is quite an attraction, and thus quite busy during peak tourist periods. I suggest ordering tickets ahead of time, allowing one to bypass the sizable line.

Chihuly Garden and Glass
2017 Seattle, WA

The collection itself was quite impressive. Dale Chihuly's works not only have captivating color; it's their size and scale that is just breathtaking. It's mind boggling to think that he and his team created and fused all of the various pieces to form these massive glass sculptures.

With that being said, it should be noted that the collection is pretty small. I was able to cruise through the museum in a little over an hour, which would not be bad if not for the cost of the ticket. One adult ticket is $25 including taxes, which feels a bit steep for less than an hour and a half of museum time.

Still, for those that are fans of glass art - or Chihuly specifically - there are not many places with significant quantities of exceptional glass work on display. This makes the Chihuly Garden and Glass a must-see for those interested in this media.

After enjoying the collection, I made my way back to the studio condo to get ready for dinner. Tonight's meal is the signature meal for my trip to Seattle, and I needed to suit up and look sharp. 

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