About Me

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An outgoing, outspoken, culinary chap who craves to know more!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Final dinner in NYC at Restaurant Daniel

The final full day in NYC turned out to be a busy one, as the Madre and I criss-crossed midtown Manhattan from A to B to C, back to A, then to B, until finally heading back to A. Highlights include enjoying the wonderful Gustav Klimt exhibit at the Neue Galerie, doing a little shopping in Midtown, back to Restaurant Daniel in the upper east side for dinner, and capping it off with a wonderful night at the theater.

Unobtrusive, yet elegant entry to Restaurant Daniel

Friday, November 25, 2016

NYC Black Friday dinner at ESCA

Day two of the Bart Family New York City trip had its highs and lows. It started out on a high note, visiting Ground Zero, the New York Stock Exchange, and Federal Hall. I was particularly impressed with the reflecting pools - the largest man-made waterfalls in North America - as the water seemingly cascaded down into oblivion. Such is the hope that we can rise from our abyss of despair and move forward towards a brighter tomorrow.

The low came when we made it to B&H, looking to purchase a used camera, only to find the place closed at 1:30 PM. At least I can take solace knowing I didn't drop hundreds of dollars on a camera and the requisite accessories. This trip to NYC is already over budget slightly, so every pinched penny counts.

And with that - a day wandering from midtown to downtown and back - the Madre and I find ourselves at an up and coming gem specializing in Italian seafood: ESCA. Born from the likes of Mario Batali, Joe Bastianich, and James Beard award-winning chef Dave Pasternack; the New York Times' Frank Bruni coined Dave “an honest-to-God fisherman, in love with the ocean, and ESCA is his ongoing ode to it.” As one who loves both seafood and Italian cuisine, this place immediately garnered my attention.

Crudo stampler #1
2016 ESCA. New York City, NY

Thursday, November 24, 2016

NYC Thanksgiving 2016 at Dovetail

Greetings from crowded yet refined New York City. This year, the Madre and I decided to change things up and celebrate our Thanksgiving in the Big Apple. The inspiration for this decision came as I watched the 2016 Tony Awards. Here were all these amazing shows performing, and as one who lives on the west coast of this great country, I realized that I may not see any of them while their principal casts were on stage. A few days later, I booked my flight to NYC and bought tickets to The Waitress. Gutsy considering I had yet to tell the Madre of my plan. It all worked out, however, and as I sit here at the Hotel Intercontinental Time Square writing this post... so far so good.

To be blunt: today was a complete lounge waste of a day. I arrived into EWR at 9:45 AM after 5 hours of red eye bliss. By the time I got to the hotel to meet up with the Madre, our room wasn't ready, so we sat in the hotel lobby for a few hours before grabbing a dim sum lunch. A universal truth: Chinese  restaurants are always open on American holidays. We posted up at a coffee shop for another hour until our room was ready, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon recovering from the travel and watching football.

This really wasn't a problem because - having lived in Connecticut for a few years in the past - there are no true touristy things that I need to do. My entire goal for this trip was to eat at some amazing restaurants, see some amazing Broadway, check out a Gustav Klimt exhibit at the Neue Galerie, and possibly see some friends from my Stamford days. To kick off the trip's dining program, our first dinner was at the upper west side restaurant called Dovetail.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Football Bucket List Update - Fall 2016

Just a brief update on my football bucket list as the 2016 football season comes to a close. MSU is hot toilet, so no bowl game in store for me this year. That leaves three games, and venues, to tick off the list below.